
Parkinson, J. (2018). Landscapes and Maori Mythology in Aotearoa and in Sandplay Therapy, Journal of Sandplay Therapy, 27(2). Click here to read the article

Loue, S. (Ed.). (2015). Ethical issues in sand play therapy practice and research. Springer: New York. (

Kosanke, G.C., Puls, B. & Feather, J. (2015). Sandtray work with adult trauma clients: Creating safety, facilitating communication and fostering healing.
ANZJAT, 10(1), 59-65.


Book Review:
Steinhardt, L. (2000). Foundation and form in Jungian Sandplay. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Click here to read the review

Steinhardt, L. (2013). On becoming a Jungian sandplay therapist: The healing spirit of sandplay in nature and therapy. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Click here to read the review

Recommended Books

Ammann, R. (1991). Healing and transformation in sandplay: Creative processes become visible. Chicago: Open Court.

Boik, B.L. & Goodwin, E.A. (2000), Sandplay therapy: A step-by-step manual for psychotherapists of diverse orientations. NY: W.W. Norton.

Bradway,K. & McCoard, B. (1999). Sandplay: Silent workshop of the psyche. NY: Routledge.

Carey, L. (1999).  Sandplay therapy with children and their families. NJ: Jason Aronson.

Kalff, D. ( Reprint  2003). Sandplay: A psychotherapeutic approach to the psyche. USA: Temenos Press.

Markell, M.J. (2002). Sand, Water, Silence: The embodiment of spirit.  London: Jessica Kingsley.

Mitchell, R.R. & Friedman, H. (Reprint 2006). Sandplay: Past, present and future.  NY: Routledge.

McNally, S.P. (2001). Sandplay: A sourcebook for play therapists. San Jose: Writers Club Press.

Pearson, M. & Wilson, H. (2001). Sandplay & symbol work: Emotional healing & personal development with children, adolescents and adults. Melbourne: ACER Press.

Steinhardt, L.A. (2000). Foundation and form in Jungian sandplay: An art therapy approach. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Steinhardt, L.A. (2012). On becoming a Jungian Sandplay Therapist. The healing spirit in nature. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Smith, D.S. (2012). Sandtray play and story-making: A hands-on approach to build academic, social and emotional skills in mainstream education. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Turner, B.L. (2005). The  handbook of sandplay therapy. CA: Temenos Press.

Weinrib, E. (2004). Images of the self: The sandplay process. CA: Temenos Press.

Zoja, E.P. (Ed.). (2004). Sandplay therapy: Treatment of psychopathologies. Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.

Recommended Journals

Journal of Sandplay Therapy,  Order through

Arts in Psychotherapy,  Access through or 

Journal of Sandplay Therapy,


The International Society has its domicile in Zürich, Switzerland. It is an umbrella society operating through a number of National Societies spread throughout the world. Clinical practitioners with a variety of Professional registrations may apply to ISST as Independent Candidates or through the National Societies in these countries.

Sandplay Associations

International Society for Sandplay Therapy

Sandplay Therapy Association of New Zealand and Australia

Sandplay Therapists of America (STA)

Canadian Association for Sandplay Therapy

German Society for Sandplay Therapy

Israel Society for Sandplay Therapy

Italian Society for Sandplay Therapy

Netherlands Society for Sandplay Therapy

South African Sandplay Therapy Assn

Swiss Society for Sandplay Therapy

United Kingdom

Caring for the Soul